Alan Watts — Spectrum Of Love (English逐字稿 & 中文翻譯)

Milo Chen
17 min readOct 13, 2019


I refer from this article but there still be a difference in the content, So I fit it and then translate it from English to Chinese. Anybody can help to improve the translation when you have free time. Just response your message here. 我目前把英文翻譯成第一版中文。如果大家有發現可以改善的部份,可以歡迎大家留言分享。

Begin 本文開始

I’m going to talk to you this evening on the subject of the spectrum of love. We know that from time to time there arise among human beings people who seem to exude love as naturally as the sun gives out heat. We would like to be like that and by and large man’s religions are attempts to cultivate that same power in ordinary people. But unfortunately, they normally go about this task as one would attempt to make the tail wag the dog. I remember that when I was a small boy in school, I was enormously interested in being able to do my schoolwork properly. Everyone told me that I did not work hard enough, that I ought to work. I had an intense desire to do this but when I asked, “How do you work?” everybody shut up like a clown.


So I was extremely puzzled. There were teachers who apparently knew how to work and who had attained considerable heights of scholarship and I admired them very much for their attainments and so I thought that maybe I could learn “the secret” by copying their mannerisms. I would imitate the style of handwriting that they used. I would use the same kind of pen. I would affect the same mannerisms of speech and gestures and, insofar as I could get around the school uniform. Even of clothing, I must assure you with this of course was a private school in England, not a public school in America.

我非常困惑。有些老師顯然懂得如何工作,並獲得了相當高的獎學金。我以為也許我可以復制他們的舉止來學習“秘密”。我會影響相同的語音和手勢,並且在我可以繞開校服甚至衣服的範圍內。 (這是英格蘭的一所私立學校,而不是美國的一所公立學校。)

But none of this revealed the secret. Because I was, as it were, copying the outward symptoms and knew nothing of the inner fountain of being able to work. And exactly the same thing is true in the case of people who love. When we study the behavior of people who have the power of love within them, we can catalogue how they behave in various situations, and out of this catalogue formulate some rules.


One of the peculiar things, we notice about people who have this astonishing universal love, is that they are often apt to play it rather cool on sexual love. The reason for this is generally speaking unknown to preachers but it is because an erotic relationship with the external world operates so far as their concern between that world and every single nerve ending. Their whole organism in all its aspects — -physical, psychological, and spiritual — -is an erogenous zone. And therefore, their flow of love is not specialized or canalized so exclusively in the genital system as it is with most other people especially in a culture such as ours, where for so many centuries that particular expression of erotic love has been so marvelously repressed as to make it seem the most desirable kind of love that there is and so we have, as a result of two thousand years of Christianity sex on the brain. Because it’s not always the right place for it.



Of course also people who exude love are apt to give things away. They are in every way like rivers they stream. And so when they collect possessions and things that they like, they are apt to give them to other people. Because when you if you ever noticed that when you start giving things away, you keep getting more. The same way as you empty out, you create a vacuum nature abhors a vacuum and more flows in. (Did you ever notice that when you give things away, you keep getting more? That, as you create a vacuum, more flows in?)

散發著愛的人在各個方面都像河流一樣-他們溪流。當他們收集自己喜歡的財產和物品時,很容易將其贈予他人。 (您是否曾經註意到,當您捐贈東西時,您會不斷獲得更多收益嗎?那是在您產生真空時,更多的流入?)


So noticing this, the codifiers of loving behavior write that you should give so much money to tax deductible institutions and to the poor, and should be nice to people, that you should act towards your relatives and your friends and indeed even your enemies as if you love them (even if you don’t). And of course for Christians and Jews and believers in God, there is a peculiarly difficult task enjoined upon us; namely, that “thou shalt love the Lord thy God,” not only here going through the motions of it externally, but with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. And that is, of course, very demanding indeed.



But you see what is happening, It is as if, for example, we admired the music of a certain composer and, having studied his style very thoroughly, we drew up rules of musical composition based on the behavior of this composer. We then send our children to music school where they learn these rules in the hope that if they apply them, they also will turn into first-class musicians, which they usually fail to do. Because what might be called the technique of music — -as well as the technique of morals, as well as the technique of speech of language — -is very valuable because it gives you something to express. If, and I repeat if , If you have anything to express but you don’t if you don’t have anything to say, not even the greatest mastery of English will stand you in good stead unless you can manage to fool your listeners by talking beautiful nonsense and make it sound profound.



Now so the question and the puzzle remain: You cannot imitate this thing . . . there is no way of “getting” it, and yet it is absolutely essential that we have it. Because obviously, the human race is not going to flourish harmoniously unless we are able to love each other. The question becomes: How do you get it? Is it something that you simply have to contract, like measles? Or is as theologians say, is it “a gift of divine grace” which somehow is dished out to some but not to others? And if there is no way of getting divine grace by anything you do, as the Calvinists aver, then hadn’t we better just sit around and wait until something happens although Calvinists never did that. They were all most depressingly energetic.

因此問題和困惑仍然存在:您不能模仿這個東西。 。 。沒有辦法“得到”它,但是擁有它絕對是必不可少的。顯然,除非我們能夠彼此相愛,否則人類將不會和諧發展。問題變成了:你如何得到它?您只是需要像麻疹一樣收縮嗎?還是如神學家所說,是“神聖恩典的禮物”以某種方式拋出給了某些人,而不是其他人?而且,如加爾文主義者所言,如果您無法通過任何事情獲得神聖的恩典,那麼我們是否最好只是坐在那裡等一件事發生呢?


But surely, we can’t be left in that sort of hopeless situation. There must be some way of getting “grace” or “divine charity” or “divine love” — -some sort of way in which we can, as it were, open ourselves so as to become conduit pipes for the flow. And so the more subtle preachers try to see if we can open ourselves and teach methods of meditation and spiritual discipline in hope that we can contact this power. The less subtle preachers say ‘you don’t have enough faith, you don’t have enough guts, you don’t have enough willpower…” If you only put your shoulder to the wheel and shoved you would be of course an exemplar and a saint. Actually, you will only be an extremely clever hypocrite.


The whole history of religion is the history of the failure of preaching. Preaching is moral violence. When you deal with the so-called practical world, and people don’t behave the way you wish they would, you get out the army or police force or “the big stick.” And if those strike you as somewhat crude, you resort to giving lectures — -“lectures” in the sense of solemn adjuration and exhortation to “behave better next time.”


Many a parent says to the child, “Nice children love their mothers. And I’m sure you’re a nice child. You ought to love your mother, not because I, your mother, say so, but because you really want to do so.“ One of the difficulties here is that none of us, in our heart of hearts, respects love which is not freely given. For example, you have an ailing parent, and you are a son or daughter who feels dutifully that he should look after his parents because they’ve done so much for him. But somehow, your living with your father or mother prevents you from having a home and a life of your own, and naturally you resent it. Your parents are well aware that you resent this, even if they pretend to ignore it. They therefore feel guilty that they have imposed upon your loyalty. You in turn can’t really admit the fact that you resent them for getting sick, even though they couldn’t help it. And therefore no one enjoys the relationship. It becomes a painful duty to be carried out.

許多父母對孩子說:“好孩子愛他們的母親。而且我確定你是個好孩子。您應該愛您的母親,不是因為我(您的母親)這麼說,而是因為您真的想這樣做。“這裡的困難之一是,我們內心深處沒有一個人尊重不能自由給予的愛。 。例如,您有一個生病的父母,而您是一個兒子或女兒,他忠實地認為他應該照顧他的父母,因為他們為他做了很多事情。但是以某種方式,您與父親或母親的生活使您無法擁有自己的住房和生活,自然會感到不滿。即使他們假裝無視,您的父母也很清楚您對此表示不滿。因此,他們對自己的忠誠度感到內gui。反過來,即使他們無能為力,您也不能真正承認您對他們生病感到不滿。因此,沒有人喜歡這種關係。開展這項工作成為一項痛苦的任務。

The same thing would naturally happen if, a number of years after having (at the altar) made a solemn and terrible promise that you would love your wife or husband come what may forever and ever “until death do you part,” suddenly you find that you really haven’t the heart to do it any more. Then you feel guilty, that you ought to love your wife and family.


The difficulty is this: You cannot, by any means, teach a selfish person to be unselfish. Whatever a selfish person does, whether it be giving his body to be burned, or giving all that he possesses to the poor, he will still do it in a selfish way of feeling, and with extreme cunning, marvelous self-deception, and deception of others. But the consequences of fake love are almost invariably destructive, because they build up resentment on the part of the person who does the fake loving, as well as on the part of those who are its recipients. (This may be why our foreign-aid program has been such a dismal failure.)

困難在於:您不能以任何方式教導自私的人無私。無論一個自私的人做什麼,無論是要焚燒他的屍體,還是將自己擁有的一切交給窮人,他仍然會以自私的態度行事,並且極其狡猾,奇妙的自我欺騙和欺騙。其他。但是,假愛的後果幾乎總是具有破壞性,因為它們對做假愛的人以及對接受愛的人都產生了怨恨。 (這可能就是我們的對外援助計劃如此慘敗的原因。)

Now, of course, you may say that I am being impractical and might ask, “Well, do we just have to sit around and wait until we become inwardly converted to learn, through the grace of God or some other magic, how to love? In the meantime, do we do nothing about it, and conduct ourselves as selfishly as we feel?”


The first problem raised here is honesty. The Lord God says, at the beginning of things, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” What appears to be a commandment is actually a challenge, or what in Zen Buddhism is called a koan, a spiritual problem. If you exercise yourself resolutely, and try to love God or your neighbor, you will find that you get more tangled up. You will realize increasingly that the reason you are attempting to obey this as a commandment is that you want to be the right kind of person.


But love is not a sort of rare commodity — -everybody has it. Existence is love. Everybody has the force running. Perhaps the way in which you find the force of love operating in you is as a passionate like for booze or ice cream or automobiles or good-looking members of the opposite sex, or even of the same sex. But love is operating there. People, of course, tend to distinguish between various kinds of love. There are “good” kinds, such as divine charity, and there are allegedly “bad” kinds, such as “animal lust.” But they are all forms of the same thing. They relate in much the same way as the colors of the spectrum produced by the passing light through a prism. We might say that the red end of the spectrum of love is Dr. Freud’s libido, and the violet end of the spectrum of love is agape, the divine love or divine charity. In the middle, the various yellows, blues, and greens are as friendship, human endearment, and consideration.


Now it’s said that selfish people “love themselves.” I would say that that belies a misunderstanding of the whole thing: “yourself” is really something that is impossible to love. One obvious reason for this is that one’s self, when you try to focus on it to love it or to know it, it is oddly elusive.


Let me illustrate why. Once there was a fish who lived in the great ocean, and because the water was transparent, and always conveniently got out of the way of his nose when he moved along, he didn’t know he was in the ocean. Well, one day the fish did a very dangerous thing, he began to think: “Surely I am a most remarkable being, since I can move around like this in the middle of empty space.” Then the fish became confused because of thinking about moving and swimming, and he suddenly had an anxiety paroxysm and thought he had forgotten how. At that moment he looked down and saw the yawning chasm of the ocean depths, and he was terrified that he would drop. Then he thought: “If I could catch hold of my tail in my mouth, I could hold myself up.” And so he curled himself up and snapped at his tail. Unfortunately, his spine wasn’t quite supple enough, so he missed. As he went on trying to catch hold of his tail, the yawning black abyss below became ever more terrible, and he was brought to the edge of total nervous breakdown.


The fish was about to give up, when the ocean, who had been watching with mixed feelings of pity and amusement, said, “What are you doing?” “Oh,” said the fish, “I’m terrified of falling into the deep dark abyss, and I’m trying to catch hold of my tail in my mouth to hold myself up.” So the ocean said, “Well, you’ve been trying that for a long time now, and still you haven’t fallen down. How come?” “Oh, of course, I haven’t fallen down yet,” said the fish, “because, because — I’m swimming!” “Well,” came the reply, “I am the Great Ocean, in which you live and move and are able to be a fish, and I have given all of myself to you in which to swim, and I support you all the time you swim. Instead of exploring the length, breadth, depth, and height of my expanse, you are wasting your time pursuing your own end.” From then on, the fish put his own end behind him (where it belonged) and set out to explore the ocean.


Well, that shows one of the reasons it’s difficult to love yourself: Your “spine isn’t quite supple enough.”


Another reason is that “oneself,” in the ordinary sense of one’s ego, doesn’t exist. It seems to exist, in a way, in the sense that the equator exists as an abstraction. The ego is not a psychological or physical organ; it’s a social convention, like the equator, like the clock or the calendar, or like the dollar bill. These social conventions are abstractions which we agree to treat as if they did exist. We live in relation to the external world in just exactly the same way that one end of the stick exists in relation to the other end. The ends are indeed different, but they’re of the same stick.


Likewise, there is a polar relationship between what you call your “self” and what you call “other.” You couldn’t experience “other” unless you also had the experience of “self.” We might say that we feel that one’s “self” and the “other” are poles apart. Oddly, we use that phrase, “poles apart,” to express extreme difference. But things that are “poles apart” are poles of something, as of a magnet, or a globe, and so are actually inseparable. What happens if you saw the south pole off a magnet with a hacksaw? The new end, opposite the original north pole, becomes the south pole, and the piece that was chopped off develops its own north pole. The poles are inseparable and generate each other.


So it is in the relationship between the “self” and the “other.” Now if you explore what you mean when you say you “love your self,” you will make the startling discovery that everything that you love is something that you thought was other than yourself, even if it be very ordinary things such as ice cream or booze. In the conventional sense, booze is not you. Nor is ice cream. It becomes “you,” in a manner of speaking, when you consume it, but then you don’t “have it” anymore, so you look around for more in order to love it once again. But so long as you love it, it’s never you. When you love people, however selfishly you love them (because of the pleasant sensations they give you), still, it is somebody else that you love. And as you inquire into this and follow honestly your own selfishness, many interesting transformations begin to occur in you.


One of the most interesting of these transformations is being directly and honestly “selfish.” You stop deceiving people. A great deal of damage is done in practical human relations by saying that you love people, when what you mean is that you ought to (and don’t). You give the impression, and people begin to expect things of you which you are never going to come though with.


You know of people to whom you say, “I like so-and-so, because with him or her, you always know where you are.” It’s impossible to impose on people like that. On the other hand, if you say, “Can I come and stay over night with you?” and they don’t want you, they’ll reply, “I’m, sorry, but I’m tired this weekend, and I’d rather not have you.” Or “Some other time.” Well, that’s very refreshing. If I feel the person hasn’t been quite honest with me, and I accept their hospitality, I’m always wondering if they would really prefer that I wasn’t there.


But one doesn’t always listen to one’s inner voice: we often pretend that it’s not there. That’s unfortunate, because if you don’t listen to your inner voice, you are not listening to your own wisdom and to your own love. You are becoming insensitive to it just as your hosts are trying to suppress the fact that, for the time being, they don’t want your presence. Likewise, let’s suppose that you are married and have an unwanted baby. It is profoundly disturbing to a child to have false love pretended to it. To begin with, the milk tastes wrong. The smell isn’t’ right. The outward gesture is “Darling, I love you,” but the smell is “You’re a little bastard and a nuisance.”


Very few of us can accept the idea that we don’t love our children, because it seems to be unnatural. We say that mother-love is the most beautiful an natural thing in the world. But it isn’t. It’s relatively rare, and if you don’t love your child, you confuse him or her. The child will respect you much more if you say, “Darling, you’re a perfect nuisance, but I will look after you because I have to.” Well, at least then everything is quite clear!


I found in personal relations of this kind a very wonderful rule: that you never, never show false emotions. You don’t have to tell people exactly what you think “in no uncertain terms,” as they say. But to fake emotions is destructive, especially in family matters and between husbands and wives or between lovers.


It always comes to a bad end. This, on the occasions when, for personal friends, I perform marriage ceremonies, instead of saying, “I require and charge you both that you shall answer in the dreadful Day of Judgment, etc., “I say, “I require and charge you both that you shall never pretend to love one another when you don’t.” This is a gamble. It is likewise a gamble to trust yourself to come though with love.


But there is really no alternative.


Now to trust oneself to be capable of love or to bring up love — -in other words, to function in a sociable way and in a creative way — -is to take a risk, a gamble. You may not come though with it. In the same way, when you fall in love with somebody else, or form an association with someone else, and you trust them, they may as a matter of fact not fulfill your expectations. But that risk has to be taken. The alternative to taking that risk is much worse than trusting and being deceived.


When you say, “I will not trust other people, and I will not trust myself,” what course remains? You have to resort to force. You have to employ stacks of policemen to protect you, and have to hold a club over yourself all the time, and say, “No, no. My nature is wayward, animal, perverse, fallen, grounded in sin.” What then happens? When you refuse to take the gamble of trusting yourself to be capable of love, you become, if you will excuse this extremely graphic but nevertheless relevant simile, like a person who cannot trust himself to have bowel movements. Many children learn this from parents who do not trust them, and think they ought to have these movements in rhythm with the clock, which is a different kind of rhythm from that of the organism. People who cannot trust themselves to do even this take laxatives endlessly, as a result of which their whole system gets fouled up.


Exactly the same thing happens with people who can’t trust themselves to go to sleep. They have to take all kinds of pills. And so also with people who can’t trust themselves to love, and have to take all sorts of artificial and surgical measures to produce the effect of love for saving face. They become progressively more incapable of loving at all, and they create turmoil and misunderstanding and chaos in themselves and others and society.


In other words, to live, and to love, you have to take risks. There will be disappointments and failures and disasters as a result of taking these risks. But in the long run it will work out.


My point is that if you don’t take these risks the results will be much worse than any imaginable kind of anarchy.


In tying up love in knots or in becoming incapable of it, you can’t destroy this energy. When you won’t love, or won’t let it out, it emerges anyway in the form of self-destruction. The alternative to self-love, in other words, is self-destruction. Because you won’t take the risk of loving yourself properly, you will be compelled instead to destroy yourself.


So, which would you rather have? Would you rather have a human race which isn’t always very well controlled, and sometimes runs amok a little bit, but on the whole continues to exist, with a good deal of honesty and delight, when delight is available? Or would you rather have the whole human race blown to pieces and cleaned off the planet, reducing the whole thing to a nice, sterile rock with no dirty disease on it called life?

那麼,您寧願擁有哪一個? 您是否寧願有一個人類的種族,這個種族並不總是受到很好的控制,有時會有點無聊,但總的來說,只要有歡樂就可以保持誠實和喜悅的存在? 還是您寧願將整個人類都炸成碎片並清理掉地球,將整個物體還原成一塊漂亮的無菌岩石,上面沒有骯髒的疾病,稱為生命?

The essential point is to consider love as a spectrum. There is not, as it were just nice love and nasty love, spiritual love and material love, mature affection on the one hand and infatuation on the other. These are all forms of the same energy. And you have to take it and let it grow where you find it. When you find only one of these forms existing, if at least you will water it, the rest will blossom as well. But the effectual prerequisite from the beginning is to let it have its own way.

重要的一點是將愛視為一個頻譜。 沒有,因為只有愛和討厭的愛,屬靈的愛和物質的愛,一方面是成熟的感情,另一方面是癡情。 這些都是相同能量的形式。 而且,您必須接受它並讓它在找到它的地方生長。 當您發現僅存在其中一種形式時,如果至少要澆水,其餘的也將開花。 但是從一開始的有效前提就是讓它有自己的方式。

In the final of this article, I sharing the song for you 分享一首歌給大家

This painting is inspired by the song of Aurora Asknes —

Awakening — Aurora Asknes

With a tiny rope and a bag of stone
And all heartbroken wishing bone
She’s going in, she’s going home
Oh this little golden knight, fighting every day
Behind the light, behind the light

Walking faster down the street
Red eyes and no shoes on her feet
Going on this journey, determined to complete
This is farewell, this is goodnight
The last time she will see the daylight
See the daylight

And she’s going on a journey
Always walking down the road
And the water is always calling
“My little child, please come home”

That’s when she went away
Away from the light of day
Standing by the riverside
Patiently waiting for the tide
To come along, to come along
The waters going through her feet
And on her body wind so cold and sweet
So cold and sweet

And she’s going on a journey
Always walking down the road
And the water is always calling
“My little child, please come home”
And the stars were brightly shining
When she reached out they were gone
And the water started calling
“My little child, please come home”

Feel the water in her body, water’s never going out
Feel the water in her body, water’s never going out
Feel the water in her body, water’s never going out
Feel the water in her body, water’s never going out
Feel the water in her body, water’s never going out
Feel the water in her body, water’s never going out
Feel the water in her body, water’s never going out
Feel the water in her body, water’s never going out

And she’s going on a journey
Always walking down the road
And the water is always calling
“My little child, please come home”
And the stars were brightly shining
When she reached out they were gone
And the water started calling
“My little child, please come home”
When a shiny light hit her eye
And she turned around and climbed
towards the sky
Towards the sky…



Milo Chen
Milo Chen

Written by Milo Chen

Study in Law/CS/EE & Dev in blockchain, AI, IoT, mobile app. Good in almost programming language with github 永遠十八歲/對世界好奇/INFP型

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